Rotary Garden – Hydroponic Evolution

Renewable energy Rotary Garden hydroponic system
Rotary Garden Stackable Installation
Rotary Garden machine with LED lighting
Rotary Garden Facility
Rotary Garden machine with LED lighting
Rotary Garden Facility
Rotary Garden machine with LED lighting

New Technology and Traditional Hydroponic Cultivation in the Rotary Garden.


The Rotary Garden company was founded by a group of technicians who share the conviction that development of modern technologies can contribute significantly to the solution of many of current urban problems. These are primarily associated with healthy and balanced lifestyle of modern society. 

Due to the negative human impact on the environment and the world in general, this problem can be solved through technical evolution.

The advantage of our system is the most effective use of modern technology, space, human work, water and energy. All these factors contribute to production healthier and safer plants in clean and completely controlled environment. Our solutions facilitate labor of people making it more easy and effective.


High Quality Products in a Short Time.

The system is to provide products of the highest quality in a short time. In order to fully appreciate the impact on the world food production, it is important to understand the relationship between human and the world of plants. They have been inseparable through the centuries. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the floating gardens of the Aztecs in Mexico were the first hydroponic systems. 

In our system plants are grown also water-based. Soil is replaced with a mineral stone wool that is chemically inert. It has no effect on development of a plant. The substrate serves only to fix roots.


Advanced Technology.

Thanks to advanced technology of the Rotary Garden, we change traditionally understood horizontal cultivation. We improve agriculture in rotating cylinders to use space, light and water in the most effective way.  An important role in our system is played by geotropism. This is the reaction of the organs of plants to change their position in relation to the vector of gravity. This significantly accelerate plants growth.  

Planting in cylinders definitely increases yield and space (3-5 times). Feeding and watering management is simple and efficient thanks to the automated system. Light in the center means limited waste, spectrum is fully used.

Cultivated plants immerse their roots directly into nutrient-rich solution. They get what they need much easier than plants growing in soil. Plants need much smaller root system and can redirect more energy to leaf and stem growth. Thanks to the smaller roots we can grow more plants in the same area. 


Fully Controlled Environment.

As growers, we play a role in nature in a certain way. We do it in the best way to recreate the most favorable conditions.

In the Rotary Garden hydroponic system we use lamps, fans, air ionizers, fertilizers and neutral rockwool substrate. All this allows us to adapt the external environment and components contained in the water to needs of individual plants. Use of pesticides is unnecessary. Plants are in a clean environment that we control daily, to minimize risk of disease development.

Every day, when making measurements allows to provide the most favorable conditions for development of plants. Regardless of the weather conditions that prevail outside. There is no risk of  losses due to unfavorable weather. This allows cultivation throughout the year. There is no limit by the climate or the season in pursuit of achieving abundant crops.


Hydroponic Culture in Rotary Garden.

The Rotary Garden system is a combination of the hydroponic culture known by breeders that uses modern technology. This implies a more efficient use of space, light source and gravity. Plants can grow faster in the most ideal conditions during all year.

In this kind of cultivation it is easy to provide the plants the right amount of light, water required by plants with the necessary ingredients and use it effectively. Thanks to daily environmental control and maintenance of sterile growing conditions plants are less susceptible to diseases. They grow faster and have more fruits.



Hydroponic Systems - Rotary Garden



Hydroponics is an effective cultivation, only in water, with a closed circuit in which nutrients are dissolved. It enables to produce plants in artificial home conditions. With the use of such a system, it is possible to control the plants and influence the internal climate (light, temperature, humidity, ventilation, CO2, nutrients). Plants grow faster, have more fruits and are less susceptible to disease. The great advantage of hydroponic farming is efficiency of water use due to global water scarcity.






Rotary Garden combines traditional hydroponic cultivation with advanced technology making it more effective and more convenient for a grower.



Rotary Garden Hydroponic SystemGrowing plants in Rotary Garden systems allows the most effective use of modern technology, space, human labor, water and energy.  These factors contribute to produce the ecological, healthiest and safest plants in a completely controlled, clean environment. All without adversely affecting the external environment. The system is to ensure the highest quality product in a short time. To fully appreciate the impact on global food production, it is important to understand relationship between human and the world of plants that have been inseparable for centuries.


Rotary Garden Hydroponic SystemThe main target of Rotary Garden team is research and development in the field of agriculture to allow the growth of plants regardless of climatic conditions in the world. This is to make vegetarian food or medicinal plants cheaper and accessible to people. Very big advantage of machines installation is more efficiently management of urban space. 




We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer.

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